Scrubber Use Meets Environmental Standards, Study Shows

From ShipInsight: Astudy carried out on washwater from scrubbers on cruise ships shows that it compares well with numerous water quality standards.

The results of the study were revealed by the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 to coincide with the IMO’s PPR 6 meeting taking place in London this week.

The three-year, Carnival-led study collected 281 wash water samples from 53 EGCS-equipped cruise ships, the largest washwater data set in the marine industry, which were then assessed against 54 different test parameters by ISO accredited independent laboratories.


Mike Kaczmarek, Carnival’s Senior Vice President for Marine Technology, said, “Comparing scrubber wash water to various other major water standards is useful to provide perspective and to illustrate EGCS wash water quality in a way that is easy to understand. These comparisons also provide relatable criteria for a number of specific EGCS parameters of interest, such as PAH concentrations, which also have limits within these standards.


The report can be accessed at:

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