About CR Ocean Engineering: Exhaust Gas Scrubbers for MARPOL Compliance

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MARPOL Compliance. For over sixty years, CR engineers have provided solutions for those who face the challenge of efficient resource utilization and the responsibility for meeting the most stringent emission standards.  While current and proposed regulations call for swift compliance, the imperative of efficient resource utilization has become standard operating procedure throughout the world.  Regardless of the pollutant or the industrial source, our team has demonstrated the engineering knowhow and applications experience to design and manufacture systems to meet the most demanding performance requirements.

CR Ocean Engineering LLC is an enterprise formed for the specific purpose of bringing those resources to bear on the challenge of exhaust gas emission control at sea.

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, known as MARPOL, has promulgated regulations whose purpose is to preserve the marine environment through the prevention of pollution by oil and other toxic substances.  Annex VI of MARPOL, adopted in 1997, specifically regulates exhaust gas emissions with standards which tighten over time.

Large marine diesel engines typically operate with heavy fuel oil having an average sulfur content of 2.7%. The sulfur is oxidized to sulfur dioxide (SO2) during the combustion process.  The impact of SO2 on the human health and environment is far-reaching and well documented.

Annex VI of MARPOL, which was ratified in 2005, set a maximum limit on fuel sulfur content at 4.5% until 2012, 3.5% until 2020 and 0.5% thereafter.  Currently the limit is 3.5%. This limit is further reduced to 0.5% in 2020.  A review will take place in 2018 however the European Union has preempted that review by declaring that the 2020 deadline will hold.

MARPOL also established specific emission control areas (ECAs) [1] requiring stricter sulfur reduction.  For these designated emission control areas (ECAs), the current fuel sulfur limit of 1% will be reduced to 0.1% on January 1, 2015.  The EU has established an additional requirement for ships operating in EU waters and EU ports[2].

Owners contemplating a switch to distillate fuel will face not only higher prices but also availability concerns and operating difficulties involving low viscosity, lubricity, lower flashpoints and catalytic fines. Fortunately, IMO/MARPOL has provided ship-owners and operators with an alternative path to MARPOL compliance by using exhaust gas cleaning systems also known as scrubbing.

Owners contemplating exhaust gas scrubbing as an alternative to distillate fuel are typically confronted by the divergent interests of engine manufacturers, consultants, marine architects and others, most lacking the depth of technology experience necessary to assure a seamless transition during the process of compliance. CR Ocean Engineering LLC’s expertise lies in the technology that is at the heart of any effective exhaust gas cleaning system and our goal is to guide owners to the most efficient and economical solution to MARPOL compliance.

CR Ocean Engineering LLC offers its proven exhaust gas scrubbing technology as an economic alternative to the high priced low sulfur fuel. Our systems provide the necessary reliability and the assurance of meeting the 0.1% Sulfur fuel equivalency when burning high-sulfur lower cost fuels.

CR Ocean Engineering exhaust gas scrubbing technology is ideal for cruise ships, ferries, bulk carriers, containerships, RoRo and others.

[1] The North American coastline, Northern Europe, the English Channel, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

[2] Passenger ships in EU waters outside of the ECA will be subject to a 1.5% limit until the 2020 deadline and all ships when in EU ports currently are subject to a 0.1% limit.

To find out more on how our technology can help with your S02 scrubbing needs, please email dphilibert@croceanx.com