From ShipInsight: CE Delft Scrubber Washwater Study Shows Minimal Impact

From ShipInsight: Preliminary results of an independent study presented by CE Delft, a research organisation in the Netherlands specialising in environmental issues, indicating that accumulated concentrations of exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS, or “scrubbers”) wash water components are at very low levels and well below applicable regulatory limits have been welcomed by The Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) 2020.

Along with a similar study conducted by Japan’s Transport Ministry, it is expected that the CE Delft research, will help fill important gaps in the scientific record. The research carried out by CE Delft in collaboration with Deltares, an independent institute for applied research in the Netherlands, uses three versions of Deltares’ state-of-the-art dynamic computer modelling system MAMPEC. Each version represents a common configuration of European ports, and the study assumes that multiple ships in each modelled port are using open loop scrubbers around the clock throughout the year.

Sponsored by CLIA Europe and Interferry, the ongoing study is assessing the accumulated impact of exhaust gas cleaning systems on the water quality in various common port configurations by evaluating the concentration of nine metals and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). CE Delft researchers used wash water samples taken from the scrubber tower outlet of cruise ships, bulk carriers and ferries prior to any buffering or other wash water after-treatment processes.

In the first model, the researchers found that

“for most of the compounds considered in the specified reference scenario and not considering wash water after-treatment, multiple ships using open-loop EGCSs may increase the equilibrium concentration in the port by 0% -0.01% of the annual average new Environmental Quality Standard expected to go into force in the EU in 2021, as part of a new Water Framework Directive”.

Link to full article by Malcolm Latarche in ShipInsight